Yes, at our facility it absolutely is! How simple is winemaking at von eUw BREW, well we like to say that if you can brew coffee, you’re already over-qualified for winemaking! Ready to not just drink good wine, but to DIY good wine? OK, stop overthinking this whole “consumer made” winemaking business and join hundreds of other customers who are enjoying great wines everyday! We’ll assist you all throughout 3 easy steps to ensure you’ll never pay too much for good wine again.
Stop in at von eUw BREW, choose which wines you want to make, we’ll help you pour juice, add yeast and voila in 10 minutes you’re done! Not sure exactly which wine to make? Don’t worry we’re wine drinkers too and can offer suggestions to ensure you decide on the right wine. Our selection varies from Pinot Grigio, Cabernet Sauvignon to Rosé and on and on – there are over 70 wine styles to choose from! We’ll also help you decide which level of raw material to use; fresh juice, juice-concentrate blend, etc., One batch of wine makes 30 bottles – so enlist your wine drinking friends to share a few batches with you and enjoy a varied selection of wines. Or, keep it all to yourself so you won’t run out of wine anytime soon! The von eUw BREW Crew will handle the rest of the winemaking process – racking, stabilizing, degassing, etc., Our temperature-controlled fermentation rooms and daily monitoring guarantee awesome tasting wines. Besides the cost savings, another bonus is all von eUw BREW wines are all low sulphite. Sulphite is an antioxidant preservative used in winemaking and sulphite levels in our wines measure up to ¾ lower than commercial wines. This consumer made wine idea just keeps getting more attractive, right?!
Approximately 6 weeks later we’ll call you to arrange a botting appointment. You’ll love this fun, hands-on part of winemaking, where you return von eUw BREW to bottle, or bag, your wine, using our winery grade equipment: bottle washer, automatic bottle filler, automatic bag filler, and air-compressed powered corker keeps wine bottling easy and fun! After corking you may add labels and shrink caps for a professional finish. In about 20 minutes your 30 bottle batch is bottled, labeled & capped. Going camping? If so, be sure to explore our bagging option – no bottles taking up valuable camping gear space and like everything else at our facility, bagging is easy as pie!
What’s the best part? Cutting your wine budget by half, enjoying your great tasting wine with friends or hosting a blind tasting with your wine? Or simply, not running to the cold beer and wine store on Friday after work? Be sure to share with us what you love most about winemaking!
Do it now – you have been thinking about winemaking long enough! Call von eUw BREW 604 530 0791 to book a time.